
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Make money online by watching videos 2022

Make money online by watching videos 2022
 Make money online by watching videos 2022

I'm going to show you exactly how this works step by step .People love video games. More real world video of individuals playing video games is watched on youtube than in pretty much any other genre and as you are aware youtube is one of the most popular websites in the entire world. If you are looking to make money online by watching videos 2022, well you are at the right place. If you believe that tech talk or some of these other websites are replacing youtube it is true but youtube is still by far the most popular website for watching videos as a result we're going to try something completely different therefore if you go to google and type in most popular video games you can see that there are many distinct results many of which make a lot of sense you're aware that Minecraft is automatic and FORTNITE so if we actually stop for a second and consider it Minecraft is an incredibly well-liked game with an incredible community that was purchased by Microsoft for billions of dollars as a result of the sale Microsoft upgraded its infrastructure and gave them access to all of its actual systems procedures and employees allowing them to choose Minecraft but i want to demonstrate to you how this works in details 

Make money online by watching videos 2022
 Make money online by watching videos 2022


Let's face it, don't these questions bother you the most ? Can I earn money by just watching videos? What site pays the most for watching videos? Which app pays the most for watching videos? Can I earn money by watching youtube videos? All these questions shall be addressed in this article. One of the major issues with generating money on the internet is that it's difficult to construct a website so what we're going to do is utilize FORTNITE and Minecraft as examples and I'll show you guys exactly how you can make money doing this, you can earn PayPal money by watching videos, you can also watch video earn money app. Besides all this you’ll also learn how to earn money by watching ads on youtube, best paid platform for get paid to watch youtube videos, get paid to watch youtube videos PayPal, get paid to watch videos online legit, how to make money online, sites that pays for watching videos in Nigeria, earn money by watching videos in India. All these queries shall be addressed within this blog so stay tuned guys.


While the majority of us don't actually have credit cards that we can use for this kind of activity we do generally have time that we can devote to developing passive sources of income then you can invest that money back into yourself once you start earning say a few dollars a few hundred dollars or perhaps a few thousand now we're going to talk about something called the paid URL SHORTENER and how this works is you can take any link on the internet and shorten that link similarly to BITLY but there's one very important difference what happens is when people click that link they go to what's called a bridge page a bridge page shows them a quick ad and then they actually go to their final destination where they actually click that link you can see here that they have a link for ties that shrink earn shrink me and what we can see here is what you can get 220 dollars per 10 000 clicks on the actual link even though 10 000 may not seem like a lot you can see that there are a lot of competitors who do this because a lot of people are making a lot of money 

Make money online by watching videos 2022
 Make money online by watching videos 2022

But if you actually do this in the way that you know if you have one you know sort of video or forum or whatever actually starts to go viral where you're doing this frequently or you scale it with you no virtual assistants or many different ways to do this it actually can be a little bit easier than you might think additionally every time you refer friends you receive 20 of their earnings for life the only thing left to do is locate a URL to put here which will teach you how to accomplish in a moment we're going to go to which you can see here was shortened and earn money so if we enter fortnight here we can see that a lot of people are playing FORTNITE every day as evidenced by the fact that these youtubers have had nearly 1 million views in less than three days since last week therefore what we're looking for is you know something that's a little bit more viral to a one million two million views you know we're looking for something that has close to a million views per day and this one has over a million this one at the top has close to a million this one is close to a million if you think that's powerful give this video a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and turn on the notification bell so what we want to do is take one of these popular videos one that has already attracted a lot of attention cipher pk is probably well known in the current FORTNITE area 

Make money online by watching videos 2022
 Make money online by watching videos 2022


I'll take the real link to this video here and we'll paste it into the result of this is that someone else is working very hard to create this intriguing compelling content the people who are interested in FORTNITE will actually consume and watch anyhow these are videos people are already Watching videos that people are already interested in and videos that people are already clicking on why not encourage more people to watch the videos of these talented creators so that both they and you gain from having compelling content you don't need to make anything you don't need to record you don't need to go somewhere you don't need a credit card all you need to do is literally cut something that already exists in length.

We're going to take that youtube video that has about a million views already in just the last 17 hours or whatever go to the dashboard click on a new shortened link and then we're going to know what's going to happen when it's clicked and watched how do we actually get people to click on our links once we click the link it actually displays some advertising and when they click the link and watch those ads we get paid then they may simply click the button to move on to the next page let's talk about that this is just FORTNITE.

But if we type in Minecraft we can see a lot of views as well we have a lot of different videos here with almost 800 000 views in 20 hours and 13 million views a month ago which is absolutely insane PEWDIEPIE and some of the biggest youtubers in the world actually make Minecraft videos you can do this with all kinds of things the topic of video games is one of the most popular ones on youtube among other things so rather than just using them


As an example there are many more we're going to go where the people are google searches for Minecraft forums will reveal that this site has recently released forums with tens of thousands of real views comments and topics that people are truly interested in if we visit this forum we can see that there are 826 000 posts which is simply insane there are also 90 000 separate threads that people are constantly writing to you can visit the among us little bits here and post about our extremely well-liked video games such as how popular among us is as you are aware there is a fantastic new video that i recently came across that you should check out it has interesting and entertaining information already nearly a million unique page views each day are received by the pc gamer forums which receives 20 million unique page views monthly 


There are tens of millions of people online who browse and look for content related to the real things they're interested in such as FORTNITE Minecraft and many other video games the cool thing is that you can shrink these links you can even create content on youtube and push to them if you like creating content in Minecraft you can share them on your social media there are so many ways to actually do this.

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